series, a medium-length telephoto
Follows Katherine Ravenscroft, a television documentary journalist whose work revolves around exposing abuses within long-respected institutions. Gary Oldman was originally rumored to be cast, but Kevin Kline took over. Jonathon uses the same lens for several episodes.
Such a lens wouldn’t be able to focus on close-up subjects, like selfies with Sasha or in the bedroom with Catherine
Dang! I had no idea what I was in for when I started watching this AppleTV+ limited series starring Cate Blanchett and Kevin Kline. "Disclaimer" is based on the novel of the same name by Renee Knight and was written for the screen and directed by Alfonso Cuarón.
At its core, it’s a revenge story
Blanchett plays Katherine, a journalist whose past secrets resurface in a disturbing way, forcing her to confront a past that is destroying her entire life. This was a masterfully told story that took us on a fascinating journey of discovery as the audience is shown (sometimes in vivid detail) the "events" about Katherine’s past. Blanchett is fantastic as always here, and Kline also delivers a solid performance.
Note: There are some fairly graphic depictions of sex/intimacy in various episodes
It was surprising to see Sacha Baron Cohen in a more serious role, but he did it justice. Despite a couple/some minor quibbles, I highly recommend this series if you like character dramas with a bit of added tension/intrigue. It’s not action-packed, and it took about half an episode (about 30 minutes) before I finally got “hooked”; on the story.
Video review coming soon
But boy, am I glad I stuck around.