The Physical and Mental Benefits of Quitting Alcohol

Alcohol is one of the causes of feeling bloated or gassy, and experiencing stomach pain and even diarrhoea. A vodka and cranberry includes a massive seven and a half teaspoons of sugar, while a rum and coke adds up to seven teaspoons. benefits of living alcohol free Even a slimline G&T has plenty of hidden sugar, racking up four teaspoons (that’s 36% of your daily intake). And the proverb ‘cider makes you wider’ is true to its word, with a pint of the stuff containing five teaspoons.

The Sober Diaries by Clare Pooley

benefits of living alcohol free

Getting sober was a lonely journey at first, but finding community has made all the difference. However, a study in the British Medical Journal showed that a month long liver cleanse can lead to a 15% decrease in the amount of fat in your liver. Just another one of the huge health benefits of not drinking alcohol. As we mentioned earlier, the soporific effect of booze can help us to pass out.

Healthy Heart:

benefits of living alcohol free

Reframe supports you in reducing alcohol consumption and enhancing your well-being. You’ll meet millions of fellow Reframers in our 24/7 Forum chat and daily Zoom check-in meetings. Receive encouragement from people worldwide who know exactly what you’re going through! You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with our licensed Reframe coaches for more personalized guidance.

  • By now you may have found a regular sleeping pattern and will be feeling the benefits of truly restorative sleep.
  • So on top of the headache, the bad attitude and the self-loathing, I added more fuel to the fire and thus continued the vicious cycle.
  • Interest in the category appears to remain strong, as 41% of people polled by advertising agency NC Solutions said they planned to try to drink less this year.
  • Flash forward seven-plus years into my sobriety, and the thing that comes to mind when typing this post is I wish I had gotten sober sooner.

Easy Options to Get Started or Learn More

  • That means it can be tempting to drink before an important event.
  • This gave her the freedom to do and try other things.
  • In this podcast, my goal is to teach you the tried and true secrets of creating and living a life you don’t want to escape from.

Bonding deepens as alcohol no longer masks emotions. Social gatherings focus on quality time, not quantity of drinks. Some friendships rooted solely in alcohol fall away, making room for more rewarding connections to blossom. Without living life through an alcoholic haze, there’s a deeper sense of purpose and direction.

  • Mooney and Eisenberg dive into the physiological, psychological, and sociological aspects of alcohol misuse, offering clarity on a topic often shrouded in misconceptions.
  • With the goal to stay physically fit in mind, it is easier to resist alcohol and fight any urges.
  • Be kind to yourself and stay focused on the big-picture benefits.

benefits of living alcohol free

Karoline shared the analogy of the rising tide lifts all boats. When you do something so life-changing, you have an opportunity to create a ripple effect. At least 52% of Americans say that they want to drink less or not at all. So instead of feeling like an odd man out, think of being the leader and influencing others.

Reasons to Love an Alcohol-Free Lifestyle

Surprising Benefits Of 1 Month Alcohol Free

No, moderate drinking isn’t good for your health – The Washington Post

No, moderate drinking isn’t good for your health.

Posted: Fri, 31 Mar 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

  • So, this is all this kind of negotiating and navigating that you have to do in the kind of first year of sobriety all the firsts, you know, the first time you go on holiday, the foot, you know, and etc.
  • Keeping a sobriety journal helps track progress, celebrate small victories, and provides motivation during challenging times by offering a tangible record of our journey.
  • You know, I have clients, sometimes he’ll say to me, Oh, I really want to stop drinking.
  • Alcohol intake can cause irregular sleep cycles which can affect overall health.
  • Grace explores our many alcohol-related subconscious beliefs, from its association with fun and relaxation to its role as a social lubricant.
  • And then you find you know, little way down the line, they’ll be having a bad day or feeling a little bit wobbly, and set partner will say to them, you know what you’re doing so well.
  • When you take a break from alcohol, you can rebalance these chemicals in your body, the stress hormones go down, but the happiness neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and GABA go up.

When is a non-alcoholic drink alcohol-free?

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